Archive for May 2007

3 secrets To Living The Secret

3 Secrets To Living The Secret
By Mark C. Jones

‘ My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.’

– Oprah Winfrey

From the moment Oprah did her broadcast (and then second show a week later) about the self-help phenom, The Secret, my office has been buzzing with talk about principles of this Law Of Attraction. In case you haven’t seen the Oprah show or watched The Secret DVD, you can sum up the teaching as: your thoughts become your reality. The emphasis is on using positive thought and positive imagery to direct one’s life in a new more meaningful and fulfilling way.

I believe over-generalizing things in this way can lead to some confusion. So, here are my three secrets for using The Secret to your advantage.

1. The Law of Attraction must live in harmony with the other laws of the universe.

I am convinced the Law of Attraction is real and it works. After years of sitting with people and discussing their problems, I know the opposite way of living does not work. I have seen dramatic changes in my office when people leave the land of negativity. So, I am a whole-hearted supporter of anyone who wishes to practice the Law of Attraction. It does change lives!

I’m not interested in debating whether there is hard science to back this up, we might not be able to prove that there are real ‘energy’ changes happening, as some of the teachers of this idea claim. However, there is proof that the Law Of Attraction works psychologically. In clinical terms, the principles of The Secret are called cognitive behavioral therapy. It is one of the most well researched types of psychotherapy and the one form of counseling that has been proven effective in daily real-world practice. I am not talking about positive thinking, this is the actual restructuring of your cognition — the way you think.

So, at the very least, we can call the Law of Attraction a psychological law that has been proven to work by science. But, it may be too much to say it causes a change to your physical reality. We should remind ourselves that all universal laws work in harmony. The Law of Attraction is not going to cancel out the Law of Gravity, even though I would love to crawl walls like Spider-man.

What will The Secrect enable you to cancel out? The Secret will cancel out are the horrible effects of cognitive distortions that lead to depression, anxiety, and the myriad of other psychological illnesses that plague us. That in turn could lead to healthier bodies and minds. Those small changes can snowball into a cascade of good things, so much so, that we can claim our lives have changed.

2. We must live in the field of possibility all the time.

The great Sufi poet Rumi says, ‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.’ This is the field the Law of Attraction pushes us towards while the critics debate. The alternative is to wait and decide – is this right – is it o.k. to use this law in my life? But another great writer, Virginia Woolf can help us there. She says, ‘To let oneself be carried on passively is unthinkable!’ We may not know how this new way of living works, we may not know how it interacts with other laws, but we can not sit and wait when it calls out to be used – and our souls respond in excited anticipation. We must act!

We can be assured what does not work. Giving up responsibility for our happiness is a dead end. Living full of despair and ingratitude weakens us. Visualizing all our worst fears coming true ignites a strange process of self-sabotage.

Attracting the life you long for is more harmonious in every way. As Michael Ignatieff says, ‘One of the greatest feelings in life is the conviction that you have lived the life you wanted to live — with the rough and the smooth, good and the bad — but yours, shaped by your own choices, and not someone else’s.’ This is the life of many successful people in a nutshell. Move towards the field of possibility and it could be yours as well!

3. Try it out – does it work for you?

If you are debating whether using the Law of Attraction really works, stop the debate today. See what is possible. Start using postive thoughts and positive images of the future to attract a new positive life. Pick one goal. Rehearse your visualization process daily. Shift all of your emotion and thought so that you are actually experiencing the goal coming true. Repeat this for 30 days until you have a concrete answer. Maybe this Secret will work for you?.

© 2007 Mark C. Jones, MA, LPC – The Life Calling Coach – Life Coach and Counselor

 Mark C. Jones, MA, LPC, ‘The Life Calling Coach,’ publishes the ‘Art Of The Soul Newsletter’ to his online community at

If you are ready to unlock the secrets to your own life calling, turn your pain into purpose, and renew your passion for life, get your copy of The Life Calling Formula today at

Add a comment May 18, 2007

Behind The Secret

“Behind The Secret”

By Judith Waller

Have you seen or read “The Secret”? It’s such a phenomenon now, it’s probably hard not to have heard at least something about it! So what’s it all about? And does it really work? Here, I go beyond the hype and back to the original source material and explain how to apply the principles behind “The Secret”.

The Law of Attraction…

Fundamentally, “The Secret” is about the Law of Attraction. Author and executive producer of “The Secret”, Rhonda Byrne, says that she was initially inspired by reading the classic text “The Science of Getting Rich”, which was written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles.

Many others (including me) have been equally inspired by this book, which describes how to understand and utilise the Law of Attraction to attract health, wealth and happiness into your life. In his book Wattles explains that, at the heart of the Law of Attraction:

“Everything you see on earth is made from one original substance, out of which all things proceed.”

In other words, no matter how things may appear on the surface, at a quantum level everything on earth and indeed throughout the entire universe, consists of energy — pure creative potential — and this is the basic building block for all matter.

Wattles says:

“A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.”

So what this means is: if you can think it, you can create it. If you first generate something in your mind, then you can cause it to be created in your life — out of the creative substance of the universe. Just like a magnet, you draw what you want towards you.

Like attracts like, so by maintaining a positive focus in your mind, you can build positive energy into whichever area of your life you wish to grow — whether that be a higher income, better relationships, a more satisfying career, improved health, you name it. There is no limit to what you can attract into your life in this way. If the entire universe is made up of this creative substance, then it’s never going to run out, is it?

One is All, and All is One…

Remember though, that what you wish for should be for the benefit of others as well as yourself — in line with the principle that “One is All, and All is One”. I think this is something that “The Secret” doesn’t emphasise strongly enough. As Wattles puts it:

“The universe desires you to have everything you want to have. Everything is natural for you. Make up your mind that this is true. It is essential, however, that your purpose should harmonize with the purpose that is in All.”

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t desire all of life’s comforts — on the contrary, life IS meant to be easy! Merely that, in wishing to create an easier and more richly rewarding life for yourself, the others around you are also benefiting from greater wellbeing for themselves.

Thus, Wattles cautions:

“You are to become a creator, not a competitor; you are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it every other man will have more than he has now.”

Remember that there is unlimited abundance available to all, so there is no need to compete with others. If you get away from the notion of lack and limit, then your natural impulse is to wish others to enjoy life as much as you do. That’s certainly how it’s worked for me!

Affirmative thought beats negative thought…

Okay then, if your thought creates your reality, what about the impact of negative thoughts? This is one of the big issues that often comes up when you start working with the Law of Attraction. As you begin to pay attention to your thoughts — understanding that whatever you are giving energy to, you are actually bringing into being — you may be appalled to discover the amount of negative thoughts you’ve been having!

Well, don’t worry… As Michael Beckwith, one of the individuals interviewed for “The Secret”, explains:

“It has been proven now scientifically, that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.”

That’s very reassuring, isn’t it? Now you know that you’ve got all the ammunition you need to combat negative thinking — simply by concentrating on introducing one new affirmative thought at a time, you can drown out those other niggly little negative ones.

Oh, and know that you’ve always got time to make better choices too. In case you’re wondering why you don’t get instant results from this new thinking process, consider for a moment what would happen if you did. Imagine if every single thought that flew through your mind instantaneously manifested in real life — eek!

Remind yourself of this if you ever reach a point where you’re feeling frustrated or disheartened about not seeing visible results straight away. The reason that there’s a bit of a time delay built into the process is to give you the opportunity to be really sure that you DO want something and to allow it to unfold in the best possible way. But it doesn’t always have to take a long time… miracles can happen, you know!

Begin it now…

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and tap into the power of the Law of Attraction right now…

Think it… believe it… HAVE IT!

Copyright © 2007 Judith Waller.

Judith Waller is a spiritually-oriented professional coach and writer who helps people create soul-fully rich and fabulous lives. Go to to sign up for her ezine and get a free copy of her ebook “Living in Bliss! 10 secrets of a soul-full life.”

1 comment May 9, 2007






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